Yard-Sign Contest

We need your help!

We need to get the word out about our Broadband Survey (ifmc.co/survey/). Every response increases the likelihood of getting the support of local governments. Placing yard-signs all over McHenry County will help get more visibility beyond our current web presence, Facebook advertisements, and build that business case.

None of us are artists, so the stick figures that we drew have turned out… as expected for someone without artistic skill.

We think you can do better.
We need your help.

Ground rules for the contest:
  1. If you are under 18, we will need your parent or guardian’s permission.
  2. Submissions will be open until November 30th, 2020
  3. You grant IFMC permission to use your art.
  4. Designs will be printed on double-sided 18”x24″ yard-signs and be limited to only two colors (not including the white background).
  5. Designs must be easily readable from the road and must convey a positive message about taking the survey 
  6. Designs must include the URL of the the Broadband Survey (ifmc.co/survey/)
  1. You get a free one-year membership to IFMC.
  2. One free PC cleanup/tune-up from one of our members.
  3. Free one-time use of Don’t Panic McHenry County’s recording studio (mics, lights, cameras, green-screen, etc.) for a school project, video holiday card, or whatever you can think of! Good for one year.
  4. The winner will be credited in the yard sign
  5. You help spread awareness of community owned fiber, and that can get us faster, cheaper, and better internet here for all in McHenry County!

How to Enter the Contest:
Combine your art along with a text file containing your name, email address, phone number, and any notes into a ZIP file and upload it here.

We will contact the winner within 30 days after the close of the contest.

Inspiration: Sign Designs from Around the Country